OSHA Announces Top 10 Violations for Fiscal Year 2020

The new OSHA Top 10 list has been revealed! Every year OSHA compiles a list of the ten most-cited standard violations from the previous fiscal year. OSHA publishes this list to educate employers about the most commonly cited standards so they can take necessary steps to find and fix recognized hazards before OSHA shows up … Continued

Why Your Mobile Field Service App Needs Offline Capabilities

When searching for the right mobile field service software, many forget to consider a very important factor, the circumstances and environment in which their field technicians work in. It is not always possible to connect to Wi-Fi or get a strong signal to a network. Consider the following locations: underground basements, hospitals, construction sites, remote … Continued

Insights and Trends from Mobile Workers and Field Service Leaders Worldwide

In the world of field service management, face-to-face service is mission-critical. In fact, it’s a leading competitive differentiator. When customers require in-person service for equipment maintenance or repair, mobile workers bridge the divide between your company and your customers. According to Salesforce 2019 research, 84% of customers say the experience a company provides is as … Continued

HFC Phase-Down Law Established in U.S COVID Relief Bill

In a long-anticipated move backed by a coalition of business and environmental stakeholders, the U.S. government has passed bipartisan legislation authorizing a 15-year phase down of HFCs in alignment with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. First announced in January 2020 by the U.S. House of Representatives following a similar bill in the Senate, … Continued

Amp Up Your Inspections and Checklists with Mobile Tech

Speed, accuracy, and efficiency are considered crucial assets in the field. In recent years, technologies have been introduced to the field service industry that enable field staff to better deliver on these critical performance benchmarks. “The industry has a history of relying on paper-based processes, but now tech professionals are recognizing the benefits of using … Continued

Use Mobile Tech to Mitigate Your Contracting Risks

Contracting is a complex business with plenty of room for risks. The good thing is that the right mobile platforms can help manage these risks and, in fact, reveal workplace opportunities. Below are some of the most common challenges field service companies face and ways that mobile technologies can help. Missed sales opportunities in the … Continued

The Elevator Industry’s Role in Pandemic Recovery

More often than not, the importance of elevators in our daily commute goes unnoticed, unlike subway rides, airplanes, or buses. For most city-dwellers, the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the passion or interest that trains or jets do. That is, until the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of the … Continued

FIELDBOSS COVID-19 Silver Linings Playbook

The old saying that every crisis represents an opportunity is certainly true in the case of COVID-19. While the challenges and tragedy of the pandemic can’t be ignored or minimised, staying positive during tough times is a proven way to help deal with stress, build resilience, and flourish under adversity. This year hasn’t been easy, … Continued

Reimagining the Workplace: FIELDBOSS Edition

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to think about how we work and what we value in a workplace. Prior to the pandemic, just 3.4 percent of Americans worked from home. That all changed when the world went into lockdown. A report by Upwork in partnership with MIT found that nearly half of the U.S. … Continued

The Top 20 Quotes and Memes of 2020

2020 sure has been one heck of a year! There really are no words to describe it. So, we have gathered up the funniest and most relatable quotes & memes of the year. These will be sure to give you a good laugh and end off the year right. Good riddance 2020! See full blogs … Continued

How Our President is Leading Us Through the Pandemic

A Q&A With FIELDBOSS President, Jonathan Taub How did the pandemic affect your business operations? What changed? We were already working remotely to a great extent, so our day to day business operations did not change much at all. If anything, we spent more time with clients who were new to working remotely. Without trade … Continued