The Power of Diversity in the Skilled Trades

With veteran baby boomer technicians entering retirement, the skilled trades are experiencing a large gap in the workforce as there is not as many young people in the pipeline to replace them. Skilled technicians are needed, and it is becoming more difficult to find them with traditional ways of recruitment. To fill the gap, the … Continued

Indoor Air Quality is a Top Concern For Those Returning to Work

Breathing quality air is critical for good health no matter what the circumstance, but especially now with the concerns of COVID-19. We take around 20,000 breaths per day and spend around 90% of our time inside, which has since increased due to the virus. Even before COVID, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), quality … Continued

Return to Workplace: Is Your Building Ready?

When COVID-19 struck, many businesses were forced to shut down. That meant buildings were suddenly turned off and abandoned for several months. Buildings are not designed to sit empty or unused for extended periods of time. In fact, water and air systems inside buildings depend on the circulation provided through regular use to continuously introduce … Continued

How Independent Contractors Can Defend Against Cyber Attacks

As the world continues to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the worldwide economic shock has dramatically increased the danger and risk of digital threats to independent contractors. It is vital that contractors take measures to protect themselves from potential cyber crime attacks. Below are three of the most common cyber attacks that can affect contractors, … Continued

A New Speed Record – 1 Month FIELDBOSS Implementation

Our client, a growing 12-person Elevator Company in Quebec, recently went live on FIELDBOSS 4.0 in just one month. How did we do it? There were three key things that came together. 1. The owner made time for our up-front planning agenda and was clear as to what he wanted. 2. The client team made … Continued

9 Benefits of a Virtual Trade Show

Over the last few years, virtual events have been increasing in popularity. However, to most people who have not attended one, they remain a bit of a mystery. When the COVID-19 outbreak hit, industry events were forced to make some uncomfortable, yet necessary changes. Instead of cancelling events, many show organizers moved their conferences to … Continued

Why We are Excited for UNITED 2020 Being a Virtual Event

When NAEC announced that United in Houston would be a virtual event, we were initially skeptical that it could still be compelling to both exhibitors and attendees. After the exhibitor orientation, our attitude changed 180 degrees. What made us comfortable is that the show organizers have chosen to stick to the original agenda. For us, … Continued

How FIELDBOSS Leveraged Time While the World was in Lockdown

The events happening around the world right now are unprecedented… Things that once appeared to be an unbelievable Hollywood storyline are now the reality of day-to-day living. Many businesses were forced to shut their doors and struggled to adjust to remote work. When the lockdown was announced, FIELDBOSS had already been set up for remote … Continued

Microsoft Transitions to New Dynamics 365 Unified Interface

Microsoft has decided to retire the legacy Web Client interface for Dynamics 365, and as of December 2020, all Dynamics 365 customers will be transitioned to the new Unified Interface. What is the Unified Interface for Dynamics 365? The new Dynamics 365 Unified Interface is a more responsive web design that improves how Dynamics 365 … Continued

10 Capabilities to Leverage in the New Mobile Inspection Module

Resco Mobile CRM, the platform that FIELDBOSS mobile is based on, has released a new module called Resco inspections. This new Inspections module offers contractor field staff increased mobile capabilities and flexibility for more accurate data capture, smoother day-to-day operations, and superior customer reporting. With the new mobile inspection module, field staff are able to … Continued

FIELDBOSS 4.0 New Release Features

Rimrock Corporation regularly updates our FIELDBOSS software to introduce new features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Major new releases are largely based on feature and technology improvements requested by customers and on new capabilities in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform. We recently released FIELDBOSS version 4.0, built within the latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, with the … Continued