Leverage Microsoft Teams for Remote Work

Did you know that Office 365 includes Microsoft Teams? Depending on your Office 365 licenses, you likely already have the Microsoft Teams capability. Due to the current Covid-19 climate, working remotely has become a higher priority, even mandatory in many cases. Microsoft Teams can help ease the transition for both employers and employees. Communicate and … Continued

New Development: Two Elevators in One Shaft

The magazine Wired recently penned an article detailing a very cool new development in the world of vertical transportation. The engineers at ThyssenKrupp in Germany have developed a new way to have two elevator cabins within a single elevator shaft; they call it Twin. The idea is that you can save space and become more … Continued

Too Busy to Improve Your Service? Stop Venting and Start Growing.

It’s amazing the number of times executives from successful HVAC Companies have inquired about HVAC Field Service Management software only to say that they’re too busy to make changes or have their service technicians learn something new. The problem is, during the time upgrading is put off, their business is missing out on growth and … Continued

5 Challenges Elevator Service Companies Can Overcome with Technology

The Elevator Service industry has changed dramatically in the last few years. Customers want faster service, machinery is getting more complicated, and competition is fierce. Elevator service companies are trying to keep pace with the hectic growth of the industry while at the same time trying to increase revenue from maintenance and repair, eliminate fines, … Continued

MTA Escalator Accident Could Have Been Avoided

A new report from the MTA shows transit mechanics ignored repairs on an escalator in Midtown that broke down last February. The top steps of an escalator at the Fifth Avenue-53rd Street subway station were shredded to pieces during rush hour. No one was seriously injured, and a safety mechanism stopped the escalator before passengers were … Continued

2000 NYC Elevators Tagged After Inspection

More than 400,000 elevator inspections conducted between 2017 and 2019 shows 2,127 instances where elevators were given “satisfactory” or “no violation” ratings by private inspectors — only to attract violations issued by the NYC Department of Buildings in the next 90 days. We know elevator contractors are working hard to keep the elevators in New … Continued

Mental Health in the Construction Industry

ALARMING STATISTICS When you think about the hazards of the construction industry, physical risks probably top the list- an unprotected fall, an unmarked restricted zone, etc. But what about the dangers you can’t see? Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts are as dangerous to worker safety as any tangible job-site threat, but these can’t be mitigated with … Continued

FIELDBOSS Version 4.0

OVERVIEW We continuously update our FIELDBOSS software introducing new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. We also plan major new releases based on feature and technology improvements from our customers as well as to take advantage of new capabilities in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Platform. Microsoft is now upgrading Dynamics 365 with two major, mandatory releases or … Continued

HFC Emissions Are Actually Increasing, Plus the Future of Refrigerants

Ideally, after the global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant gases, we would all transition to a refrigerant technology that would never have to be replaced again. Climate hawks often describe hydrofluorocarbons as a kind of white rhino, a rare area of policy that everyone — industry, environmentalists, Democrats, Republicans — can agree on. After replacing … Continued

Insect Protein: A New HVACR Opportunity

If HVAC contractors found meeting the demands of cannabis growers challenging, wait until they start working in the latest growing field — insect protein. The edible insect industry is projected to be reach $1.336 billion by 2025, and could be worth $8 billion by 2030. Roughly 2 billion people in 130 countries, including Kenya, Thailand … Continued

Jonathan Taub, FIELDBOSS President, to Speak at AHR 2020

The AHR Expo is the world’s largest HVACR event, attracting the most comprehensive gathering of industry professionals from around the globe each year. This year Jonathan Taub, President of FIELDBOSS ,will be speaking at the AHR Expo. Come check it out. You don’t want to miss it! EVENT INFORMATION Title: Capturing, Tracking, and Automating Critical Field … Continued

7 Ways to Stay Mentally Healthy as a Contractor

Running any business is challenging, but the uncertainties of contracting make it tougher than most. A limited supply of skilled labor, late payments, online reviews allowing unscrupulous customers to hold you hostage, ever-mounting regulations, rising costs, high customer expectations and more. The pressure hangs heavy like an impending storm while the terror of total business … Continued