Ottawa Announces New Carbon Tax Rebate Programs

Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna unveiled two carbon tax rebate programs for the four Canadian provinces charged with Ottawa’s carbon tax. They will get back a portion of that money in the form of rebates for small- and medium-sized businesses implementing energy-efficient projects. Proceeds from the fuel charge imposed on Manitoba, … Continued

Canada, U.S. Reach Deal to End Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

The nearly year-long tariff war between Canada and the U.S. is over. On May 17, Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. announced plans to end steel and aluminum tariffs. The deal applies to the tariffs the U.S. imposed last June. Canada has long argued last summer’s tariffs were illegal. As part of the deal, the Trudeau government … Continued

NY State to Create Elevator Safety and Standards Board

Millions of people in New York rely on elevators to get safely to and from work and home. It is one of the few states that doesn’t require people working on elevators to receive any education, training, or licensing by the state. However, last week the Senate passed legislation to reduce unsafe elevator hazards and … Continued

Elevator Mechanic Ranks High in Canada’s Top Jobs 2019

The crowded skyline of Toronto is about to get even more crowded. Toronto is adding 31 skyscrapers by 2024 to accommodate the city’s housing shortage. This vertical building boom also means more elevators.  Are there enough technicians to service all these elevators? According to Canadian Business, this field has been on a growth tear, with … Continued

Elevator Mechanics: Is Automation Coming for Your Job?

Technology has made major strides over the past few decades. Devices that were once just a plot in science fiction movies are now commonplace in the real world, introducing faster and more efficient ways to work. Technology is changing at an increasing pace, and it seems that new technologies are designed to disrupt, which in … Continued

Washington & Vermont Latest States to Regulate HFCs

US State leadership is keeping the HFC transition on track, and keeping the U.S. in sync with the global phase-down now underway under the Kigali Amendment. This past month, Washington State’s HFC phase down passed the legislature and Governor Jay Inslee signed bill HB 1112. Meanwhile, Vermont has announced that they are intending to phase … Continued

HVACR Contractors Finding Success in Indoor Grow Market

Marijuana is legal in 10 states, plus Washington, D.C., for recreational use, and 33 states for medical use. In Canada, it is legal across the country for both medicinal and recreational use. The legalization of marijuana has created a growing demand for HVACR contractors who can design quality and controlled climates suited to specific plants. … Continued

It’s Time to Make Skilled Work ‘Cool’ Again

Over the last 30 years, our society convinced itself that the best path to a successful career is an expensive, four-year degree.Pop culture has hyped up the “corner office job” at the expense of the jobs that helped build the corner office. As a result, our society has devalued and discouraged any other path to … Continued

Government of Canada Recalls 1,739 Elevators After Doors Open to Empty Shafts

It isn’t strange to see product recalls posted on the government of Canada website. Officials frequently order companies and distributors to remove items, usually food, that are reported to have made people ill or endangered consumers. Less frequently these recalls target non-perishable products with malfunctions, like cars, for example. A recent recall, however, may be … Continued

7 Simple Ways to Avoid Customer Disputes

There’s a lot to say about the human race and how we’ve changed over thousands of years, but there’s one thing that we have always been throughout history: committed to complaining. The oldest complaint known to history can be found in a cuneiform tablet from ancient Mesopotamia. Ideally, your organization will always run smoothly, without … Continued