Flammable Refrigerants: Consumer Safety or Environment

There’s a good reason why the air conditioning industry relies on chemicals that are bad for the environment—they’re safe for consumers. The Kigali Amendment, however, brings to the forefront the consumer safety versus environment trade-off. Based on current air conditioning technologies, there’s a direct trade-off between addressing climate change and refrigerant flammability. Lower global warming … Continued

Protect Your Assets: Boosting Technician Safety With the Right Tools

Protecting your assets is part of your HVAC company’s responsibility, but it is important to realize that asset protection extends beyond just your tools and trucks. Your highly trained, skilled technicians are your most important asset. With the skilled technician shortage hindering HVAC companies’ ability to grow and generate revenue, it is even more important … Continued

Elevators: New Innovations and Technological Advancements

Smart Elevator technology is on the rise! Over 12 million elevators are in operation around the globe, which move over a billion people each day. This makes elevators the most frequently used mode of transport in the world – well ahead of cars, planes, or any other mode of transportation. In the past few years, … Continued

Knowledge Management is Power in the Field

For service leaders, knowledge management must be a top priority. One reason? As field workers retire, companies are losing significant amounts of “tribal knowledge” that isn’t well-documented anywhere except in those technician’s minds. Customer expectations are higher than ever, and service organizations simply cannot afford to operate in a massive brain drain. Another reason is … Continued

6 KPIs You Should Be Tracking

Field service business owners want to know one thing: where exactly they need to make improvements in order to achieve more profitability, provide better service, make technicians more productive, and lower business expenses. But you can’t improve what you can’t measure, and KPIs allow service organizations to define, measure, monitor, and track performance to achieve … Continued

7 Ways to Avoid Business Risks with HVAC Service Software

HVAC field service organizations are under a lot of pressure in today’s competitive environment, as more companies are entering the space, new technology is being developed and deployed, and customers have higher expectations for service than ever before. In order to be successful, HVAC management must be able to identify the greatest risks and apply … Continued

4 Ways HVAC Software Can Optimize and Organize Your Service History

Superior service is becoming increasingly important for HVAC companies attempting to differentiate themselves from the competition. Are you still on the fence about why it makes sense to invest in HVAC field service management software to improve your service? Here are 4 ways HVAC software can optimize and organize your service history to help set … Continued

Elevator-Related Fatalities in Construction Industry On the Rise

According to a new report from the Center for Construction Research and Training, elevator-related fatalities in the construction industry are on the rise. A total of 145 construction workers were killed in elevator-related incidents from 2011 through 2016 – more than twice the combined total for all other industries. Here are some stats from the … Continued

Elevator Contractors Call for Change in the Industry

In 2018, the elevator industry reached new heights. MSN reported that it was one of the fastest growing industries in 2018 alongside other building equipment specialists. This is in line with the trend of previous years. Elevator installation and repair are a key part of the construction industry, one of the fastest-growing industries in the … Continued

Help Wanted: Changing the Perception of the HVAC Trade

Most kids dream of growing up to be professional athletes, dancers, doctors or even video game designers. Not many dream about becoming HVAC technicians. The negative perception of working in the trades has contributed to the growing labor shortage epidemic facing not only the HVAC industry but other skilled trades as well. So how can … Continued

Cashing Out. What’s Your Exit Strategy?

There are two types of business sales in the field service industry. One kind is a stress sale, where businesses are basically given away because the owners never gave thought to an exit strategy until it was too late. The other is a premium sale, where the business is sold based on assets plus three … Continued