Bill 148: Ontario Elevator Contractors Face New Regulatory Challenge

Ontario is quickly becoming home to the toughest government regulatory environment for elevator contractors.  In May,   Bill 8, Access to Consumer Credit Reports and Elevator Availability Act was passed, making Ontario the first jurisdiction in the world to establish standards for elevator repair times.  With the impending Bill 148 set to become a law … Continued

3 Ways to Stay Profitable in an Unstable Economy

Failure to plan is planning to fail. While you can’t predict the future, you can certainly prepare for it. Tariffs, trade wars, technician shortages, interest rate hikes…… how can your field service company stay profitable in an unstable economy? You have to be prepared. A comprehensive field service management software can help your company mitigate … Continued

FIELDBOSS Feature: Maintenance Scheduling Automation

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This old saying holds especially true when it comes to elevator maintenance. Using the right field service management tools can help transform your reactionary workforce to one that plans maintenance schedules for customer assets. Once your workforce gets into the flow of maintenance scheduling automation, … Continued

How the Tariff Trade War Impacts the Elevator Industry

On June 15, President Donald Trump, along with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), released the administration’s final list of Chinese products subject to tariffs. Included are elevator and escalator parts and components, including sheaves, motors and machines. In imposing tariffs on $34 billion worth of Chinese imports, the Trump administration says it … Continued

Marijuana Industry Offers New Market for HVAC Contractors

Medicinal and recreational marijuana laws are changing across Canada and the U.S. as more and more provinces and states opt for legalization. Grow facilities for marijuana plants are incredibly unique and complicated, and most are a far cry from the creepy, dark basements seen in the movies. These hydroponic facilities have HVAC-specific needs and provide … Continued

The Battle Continues to Phase-out HFCs

If you thought this story ended with the 2017 DC Circuit Court of Appeals decision to block EPA bans on HFCs, think again. Refrigerant manufacturers Chemours and Honeywell and green group NRDC have petitioned the US Supreme Court to review the DC Circuit Court of Appeals decision as the battle continues to phase-out HFCs. In … Continued

5 Ways Blockchain Can Be Applied to the Field Service Industry

The field service industry has changed significantly in the last five years. Field service management technology has transformed the industry in so many ways, from using mobile devices, to having real-time data, to being connected to your customer 24/7. How different do you think things are going to be in another five years? Keeping up … Continued

Troubling Findings for NYC Elevator Inspections

Most people don’t think twice before stepping into an elevator. However, a recent report released by New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli’s office conjures nightmare scenarios for those who rely on elevators on a daily basis. The audit, released on June 6, cited some troubling findings regarding NYC elevator inspections by the city’s Department of … Continued

Regular Elevator Maintenance is the Key to Uninterrupted Operation

The one thing that really annoys building occupants is an out-of-service elevator. Building occupants and visitors expect access to fast and reliable vertical transportation. The growing use of elevators for convenience and access means building owners and managers must ensure important assets, like elevators, are properly maintained. Regular elevator maintenance is the key to uninterrupted … Continued

It’s Time for the US to Ratify the Kigali Amendment

Time is running out! The US must make a decision on a key climate agreement that aims to reduce emissions of global warming-causing HFC’s. Industry leaders are doing what they can to convince Trump that ratifying the Kigali Amendment will create American jobs and benefit the US as a whole. Trump’s decision will create one … Continued

Trump Officially Imposes Tariffs on EU, Canada and Mexico

The exemptions are over! President Trump has officially imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum for three of America’s biggest trading partners and closest allies — Canada, Mexico and the European Union. After months of negotiations, the Trump administration announced it was unable to come to an agreement with their allies that would allow it to … Continued

Realities of the R22 Phase-out

The phase-out of the ozone-depleting refrigerant gas R-22, also called HCFC-22, is nearing the end. As a result, there are several things that contractors need to be aware of. Here are 3 realities of the R22 Phase-out: 1.  Time is running out. In less than 2 years, the R22 refrigerant phase out will be completed. … Continued