IoT Offers Both Opportunities and Risks for the Independent Contractor

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices that are embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and internet connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. It is estimated that the IoT will consist of about 30 billion objects by 2020. For contractors, IoT is something that presents both opportunities and risks. IoT is used to relay equipment performance data … Continued

Why Elevator Mechanics Had the Highest Employment Growth Rate in 2017

Automation may have made elevator operators obsolete, but it’s quite the opposite for those who install and repair elevators. Elevator Mechanic shot up the Canadian Business ranking of Canada’s Best Jobs in 2017. It had the highest growth rate and rose from No. 74 in 2016 to No. 10 in 2017.,Median Salary:$83,844Salary Growth (2010–2016):+16%Total Employees:7,000Change in … Continued

3 Reasons to Consolidate Your Elevator Service Business

It takes a lot for a small elevator contractor to succeed – including technical knowledge, business operations acumen and very strong business relationships. It can be overwhelming for an owner to do all things well alone, or with a team that is stretched to the limits. Sometimes it makes more sense to consolidate and become … Continued

2018 Regulatory Priorities Released by HVACR Industry Alliance

The HVACR Industry Alliance announced its 2018 regulatory priorities at the Alliance’s quarterly meeting in Arlington, Virginia, on Dec. 14, 2017. The plan is to extend and build upon the Industry Consensus Agenda that was adopted and presented to the incoming Trump administration on Jan. 6, 2017. The HVACR Alliance top 6 regulatory priorities for … Continued

Ontario Delays Release of Elevator Safety Report

The Ontario government is delaying the release of the elevator safety report commissioned by the TSSA last spring to review the issue of elevator safety and reliability. The report was delivered in November and is being delayed while the Ontario government prepares a response. According to Barbara Hanson, Ministry of Government Consumer Services, the Ontario … Continued

Montreal Protocol 30th Anniversary Meeting & the Ratification of the Kigali Amendment

Last month, the Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, welcomed colleagues from around the world for the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, and to celebrate the historic ratification of the Kigali Amendment by over 20 countries. The Montreal Protocol is a landmark treaty credited with saving the ozone layer and preventing even greater … Continued

2018 HVAC Regulations You Need to Know About

As 2017 comes to a close, it is important to look ahead at what new regulations await HVAC contractors in 2018. In just a few weeks, HVAC companies will face the second round of limitations for HVAC refrigerants, as well as the ‘rooftop units’ regulation. Here’s what you need to know about 2018 HVAC regulations: Second … Continued

TSSA Discloses Escalator and Elevator Inspection Non-Compliance Statistics

Proper maintenance and regular inspections are crucial for the safe operation of elevators in commercial and residential buildings for both the public and the technicians looking after the devices. State/provincial regulations cover the safe construction, operation, and maintenance of elevators, but non-compliance with those regulations is a common occurrence. At the November TSSA – CECA … Continued

End-Users are the Key to a Successful Software Implementation

Your company has spent a lot of time and money researching, selecting and implementing brand new technology to make your staff more efficient and revolutionize the way your company does business.  But one thing you may have overlooked is the end user, the people that will be using this new system. Despite a new product’s … Continued

National Elevator and Escalator Association Releases Report in Response to the Reliable Elevators Ac

FIELDBOSS recently attended the CECA Ontario regional meeting and were involved in a discussion regarding how industry professionals feel about the proposed Reliable Elevators Act. Canadian elevator companies are warning the Ontario government that the proposed legislation aimed at improving the reliability of elevators by putting the onus on contractors could have dire consequences if … Continued

HVAC Refrigerants: HFC Phase-Down and New Regulations

The job of the HVAC/R unit you install is to keep your clients cool or warm. But the fundamental substance that makes this heating and cooling equipment run — refrigerant — is undergoing a massive shift globally and if you’re not on top of the HVAC refrigerants HFC phase-down, new regulations, and end-dates your company … Continued