Field Service Management: Where Does the Time Go?

Solid business process management is the driving force of any successful field service organization. So it is no surprise that a company’s effectiveness and efficiency are directly related to the systems in place that automates and streamlines their business processes. Integrated systems enable businesses to reduce costs and increase revenue by saving time through process … Continued

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Licence Changes and Price Reductions

Good news for FIELDBOSS® customers and prospects! Last November, Microsoft Dynamics CRM was rebranded becoming Dynamics 365. As part of the rebranding, Dynamics 365 was divided into two editions: Enterprise for companies above 350 employees, and Business for companies under 350 employees. When Microsoft launched Dynamics 365, licensing and pricing information were not available for … Continued

FIELDBOSS® Feature of the Month: Accounting & Service Systems Integration

FIELDBOSS®’s most complex and valued feature for field service organizations is the integration of their accounting and service systems. FIELDBOSS® has hundreds of awesome features but the one we had to get right first was connecting a strong accounting system to a strong service system. With an integrated system, management, office staff and field tech’s … Continued

Preparing for a Successful Implementation

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin Your field service company has realized they need help as workflow inefficiencies and disconnected systems are preventing growth and limiting revenue. After months and months of searching for new field service software, your team has finally found a solution they like. There is only one … Continued

The Future Looks Bright for The HVACR Industry in 2017

A recent AHR Expo and ASHRAE Journal survey sent to more than 1,400 HVACR manufacturers worldwide had an overwhelmingly positive response for improving economic prospects in 2017. Based on survey results, 86 percent of the respondents expect their sales to grow in the coming year. The survey contained nine questions relating to anticipated overall market … Continued

CECA Standardized Maintenance Contract

Preventive maintenance and service contracts are the most profitable source of revenue for elevator contractor companies. Businesses that perform preventive maintenance out-earn companies that don’t. But what happens if maintenance contracts aren’t filled out correctly or with all the necessary information? Busy elevator companies are often weighed down by the amount of paperwork, documentation, and … Continued

Unclog the Back Office by Optimizing Schedule and Dispatch

A flexible, connected scheduling software is critical for field service organizations that are looking for ways to provide superior customer service while reducing operating costs. Customers increasingly want faster service resolution at a lower cost; improving scheduling and field technician efficiency is one of the ways to effectively achieve that goal. When searching for a … Continued

Learn How To Establish and Evaluate Field Service KPI’s

HVAC companies today are in a constant state of improvement, always looking for ways to be more efficient and to provide better service. Establishing and evaluating key performance indicators (KPIs) is the only way to truly know how successful your company is at providing superior service. You can’t improve what you can’t measure, and KPIs … Continued

A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician

A typical day without a Field Service Management Solution: As your technician Bill sets out to begin his day, the first stop is to the office to pick up his schedule and work orders. There is a lot of traffic and Bill arrives 30 minutes late. Before even starting his first job, Bill is already … Continued