Goodbye 2021! Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out!

December 15, 2021
Just for Fun
3 min read

FIELDBOSS 2021 in a Nutshell

Almost a year ago, we were all saying good riddance to 2020. Well, here we are again. 2021 is over and not only did we survive, but we kicked 2021’s a**. As this year comes to an end, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year, and although we were faced with many challenges, we were fortunate to have had a very successful year. The success of FIELDBOSS is based on the relationships we have built over the years, and we really wouldn’t be where we are without our incredible clients and hard-working staff. It’s been quite a year for us all!

In honour of surviving another year in the pandemic, here is FIELDBOSS 2021 in a nutshell:

We finally returned to in person tradeshows

  • September: Canadian Elevator Contractor Association (CECA) Mini Conference 2021
  • October: National Association of Elevator Contractors (NAEC) Annual Convention and Expo 2021
  • November: IHACI 41st Annual HVAC/R/SM Performance Contracting Product & Equipment Trade Show
  • It was so great to connect face to face and we are looking forward to seeing you at the upcoming 2022 AHR Expo in the new year!

We launched a new release of our contractor management software, FIELDBOSS Version 4.5

  • FIELDBOSS 4.5 has been in design, development, and testing for over 8 months by our experienced team of engineers built right here in North America. The products and features in this release are a testament to our client’s feedback, our desire for continuous improvement, and the Microsoft stack we have built FIELDBOSS on that allows us to put our vision into reality.

We won Resco Business Impact of the Year Award for 2021

  • FIELDBOSS was recognized for the work we did to solve a complex client issue that is a growing trend in the field service industry.
  • We created a custom solution for Ambient Mechanical by combining functionality from FIELDBOSS, Resco Mobile and Microsoft Power Apps Portal.

We have nearly doubled our user growth rate this year!

  • In 2021, FIELDBOSS had an impressive user growth rate of over 40% and over an 80% customer growth rate!
  • We are continuing to grow at an exciting rate, and we cannot wait to see what 2022 has in store for us and our clients!

Time to Celebrate!

We can finally have an in-person holiday party for the first time in two years! We decided to celebrate in Yorkville, Toronto where we had an amazing wine tasting experience, ate delicious food, played a game of Jeopardy, and reconnected with our coworker’s face to face. Although some people couldn’t make it, we made sure to have some extra drinks in their honour!

Here are some faces you may recognize. The FIELDBOSS team!

We would like to wish you a happy Holiday season and a happy, healthy, and successful New Year.

Goodbye 2021! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!