Elevating Excellence: FIELDBOSS Wins Big at Resco Next with Industry Vertical Excellence Award

June 24, 2024
3 min read

TORONTO, ON – FIELDBOSS, a leading provider of integrated software management solutions for the elevator industry, is proud to announce its receipt of the prestigious Industry Vertical Excellence Award at the recent 2024 Resco Next conference in Vienna, June 4-5. Under the innovative leadership of President and CEO Jonathan Taub, FIELDBOSS has achieved significant recognition for its tailored solutions that address the unique challenges and demands of the elevator sector. 

“This award reflects our team’s unwavering dedication to understanding the intricacies of the elevator industry,” remarked Jonathan Taub in response to the company’s achievement. “Being recognized by Resco validates our efforts and solidifies our commitment to driving progress through industry-specific solutions. Winning this award signifies that our innovative approach and deep expertise make a noticeable difference in the spaces where we operate.” 

FIELDBOSS’ success in securing the Industry Vertical Excellence Award is attributed to its comprehensive solutions that leverage cutting-edge technology to meet the distinct needs of elevator service contractors. By focusing on client satisfaction, FIELDBOSS has achieved significant market penetration, showcasing substantial growth and presence within the elevator industry. 

The award criteria underscored the importance of industry-specific expertise, innovative solutions, market penetration, and thought leadership. FIELDBOSS exceeded expectations across the board, with their extensive understanding of regulations and trends, and a track record of actively contributing to industry discourse through various speaking engagements and educational events. 

Closing the conference with this honor, Jonathan Taub emphasized the collaborative journey that led to this accolade. “Our path to this moment has been shaped by a shared vision to excel and innovate for the greater good of the elevator industry. At FIELDBOSS, we believe our hands-on experience and drive for continuous improvement set us apart and resonate with our partners at Resco.” 

FIELDBOSS continues to expand its influence and market share, guided by a philosophy that embraces challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. This recent recognition by Resco serves as further motivation to push the boundaries of what’s possible within the industry verticals they passionately serve.


FIELDBOSS is a leading provider of field service management solutions for HVAC and elevator contractors. The company offers a comprehensive, integrated platform designed to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and improve customer satisfaction. With a strong focus on innovation and collaboration, FIELDBOSS continues to set new industry standards in the field service management sector.

About Resco:

Resco, founded in 1999, is one of the global leaders in developing cross-platform mobile software solutions focused on enterprise mobility and the mobile workforce. The company’s products enable companies to use and collect vital business data in the field and digitize paper-based processes through state-of-the-art technology. Today, 800+ corporate customers with over 160,000 licensed users worldwide use Resco to digitize their field operations.